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  2. 2、在C盘下面创建一个PTClic文件夹,用于存放许可证文件运行破解文件下的FillLicense.bat,生成PTCDSSQ.dat,将其拷贝到PTClic文件夹 3、设置环境变量,右键我的电脑-属性-高级系统设置-环境变量-新建用户变量,输入以下值 变量名:PTCDLICENSEFILE.
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  • Tag:PTC Creo 3.0ptc cero tutorials
1. Open 'ptc_licfile.dat' in text editor and replace 00-00-00-00-00-00 in every-feature with your real ptc_hostid (real ptc-hostid of your computer is shown in left bottom coner of PTC installer window). 2. Save edited 'ptc_licfile.dat' on your computer 3. Create system environment variable PTC_D_LICENSE_FILE=F000Common Files (by default C:Program FilesPTCCreo 3.0F000Common Files) and click 'Look For..' once again Click 'Start' and wait for patcher info window 'All files seem to be patched. Enjoy!' Click 'OK' 6. If you have installed PTC Creo 3.0 F000 Distributed Services Manager Click 'Look For..', browse to
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      No information

    This section explains the structure andusage of the FLEXlm licensing file (license.dat) in PTC's implementationand the delivery of codes in the new License Pack format.


    Your license codes are given to you ina License Pack. The license pack contains a customer information sectionand a license information section. The license information section contains'feature lines' that define your PTC licenses and floating options.

    For floating licenses, the license informationsection also contains 'SERVER' and 'DAEMON' lines.

    If you obtained your License Pack by e-mailor through the www (for maintenance releases only), you can save the LicensePack to a file. The file can be imported directly into Pro/SETUP. Thiseliminates the task of manually entering your license information. Thistechnique is highly recommended.

    If you cannot obtain an on-line copy ofyour License Pack, your license information will need to be entered intoPro/SETUP manually.

    Your license file contains all the licenseinformation (multiple feature lines) for all Configuration IDs assignedto a particular CPU. That is, all licenses for all PTC products licensedto a single machine can be defined in a single license file.

    Example: A configuration of Pro/ENGINEER,Pro/FLY-THROUGH, and a license of Pro/MECHANICA are all licensed to a singlelicense server. PTC can provide license information for all products ona single License Pack. If an on-line copy of this file is obtained, thesingle file can be used during the installation of all three products andneeds to be imported into Pro/SETUP only once.


    For floating licenses, the license informationsection of your License Pack contains a SERVER line. The SERVER line definesthe hostname of the FLEXlm license server, the CPUID of the server,and the TCP/IP port number for communication with PTC clients. Only oneserver line is needed per license server.

    When you get your license pack, a genericstring will populate the hostname field. If you import the license packinto Pro/SETUP, this field will be replaced with the actual hostname ofthe server. If you are entering your license information into Pro/SETUPmanually, you will need to replace this hostname when your license informationis entered.

    On your License Pack, the default serverline format is:


    SERVER __hostname__ PTC_HOSTID=(Your CPUID) 7788

    If your license server’s hostname was 'spock',the hostname field will be expanded to read:

    SERVER spock PTC_HOSTID=08-00-69-76-0A-2E 7788


    Each license server requires a daemon line to define the name of thePTC FLEXlm daemon and the path to the executable in the FLEXlminstallation directory. On your License Pack, the path to the executableis replaced with a generic string that is replaced with the appropriatepath when the License Pack is imported into Pro/SETUP.

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    On your License Pack, the default server line format is:

    DAEMON ptc_d __PTCDPATH__

    If your license server was installed in the /opt/ptc/flexlm directory,the daemon line would read:

    DAEMON ptc_d /opt/ptc/flexlm/sun4_solaris/obj/ptc_d


    With FLEXlm, serial numbers and security codes have been replacedwith 'feature lines' to license your software.

    Feature lines define all the licensing elements (product, modules, numberof licenses, and so on) to use the license on the proper host. Since allelements of a license are defined in a feature line, it can be said thatfeature lines replace the serial number, and security codes (revision codes,option codes, floating license codes, etc.) of PTC’s proprietary licensingscheme.

    Feature lines are stored in a 'license file' that is usedby FLEXlm and PTC software. A single license file can contain multiplefeature lines for a single or multiple products.

    Feature line formats vary depending on the type of license and its usage.Refer to Appendix C for examples of feature lines per license type.

    The following example shows a feature line for five locked evaluationlicenses of Release 20.0 Pro/ENGINEER license for cpu_id 08-00-4E-22-AB-08.Note that the feature line contains all licensing information for the licenseand replaces the serial number and associated security codes.

    INCREMENT PROE_366 ptc_d 20.0 11-Jul-1998 0 85739247224342g47s94VENDOR_STRING='VSVER=1.0

    LO=(0 2 4 6 7 9 10 17 19 21 22)'





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    SUPERSEDE ISSUED=01-Feb-1998

    FeatureLine Components

    Each feature line contains all the components necessary to license thesoftware including Feature name (product prefix_configuration ID), release,expiration date for timed licenses, number of licenses, optional modules,issue date, and the license code. The license code is defined by all theparameters that define the license.

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    The figure below shows an example of five floating evaluation licensesof Pro/ENGINEER Release 20.0. For licenses that use a FLEXlm server(floating licenses, floating options, and counted locked licenses) theCPUID is specified in the SERVER line, not the feature line.

    Refer to Appendix B for a list of feature names by product.

    License Files

    Pro/SETUP stores your feature lines in a file called the 'licensefile'. By default, the file is a text file written to flexlm_installation_directory/licensing/license.dat.This file is read by the PTC/FLEXlm daemon ptc_d to manage the use of thelicenses.

    For floating installations, the license file contains:

    Ptc Lic File Dat Creo 2.0 Download Free

    • SERVER line containing the server name, cpu_id, and TCP/IP port
    • DAEMON line containing the path to the ptc_d executable
    • Feature information (your licenses)
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    Locked installations with the exception of Pro/MECHANICA licenses willnot contain SERVER and DAEMON lines.

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    For triad installations, an identical license file will be used by eachtriad partner. The license file will contain three SERVER lines, featurelines for all products licensed to the triad, and any additional productslicensed to any single partner.

    CombiningLicense Files from Different Vendors

    Do not combine your PTC license file with the license files ofother software vendors on the same FLEXlm license server. AlthoughFLEXlm can handle combining license files, PTC’s cpu_id routinerequires PTC licenses to be located in their own file. In addition, Globetrotterno longer recommends combining license files from different vendors.

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    AdditionalLicense File Information

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    More details on FLEXlm license files can be found in Chapter2 of Globetrotter’s FLEXlm end-user documentation.